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Welcome to the website of the Central Bureau of Statistics for the Province of Sumatera Selatan
Has published !!! SPutar Sumsel 2020 Issue 8, with the theme "SP Online Ahead of Deadline!"
March 27, 2020 | Other Activities
Please observe the SP2020 BPS trip South Sumatra and Regency / City in weeks 3 and 4 March 2020 in the form of news and pictures! There are effective work tips when Work from Home, you know in the opinion column ...
Don't miss the words of Wong Kito, SP pantun and inspirational corner in the inspiration column!
Pdfs from Sputar Sumsel 2020 Eight Edition can be downloaded for free at the link http://s.bps.go.id/SPutarSumsel2020
Thank you to all who have contributed.
See you in the next issue.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sumatera SelatanJl. Kapten Anwar Sastro No 1694 Palembang