Supervision of SUT Data (Indepth Study) and supervision of SINASI Enumeration in Muara Enim - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Selatan Province

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Supervision of SUT Data (Indepth Study) and supervision of SINASI Enumeration in Muara Enim

Supervision of SUT Data (Indepth Study) and supervision of SINASI Enumeration in Muara Enim

June 15, 2023 | BPS Activities

Economic indicators such as economic growth (GRDP), Input Output (I-O) Tables, and Supply and Use Tables (SUT) are used as analytical tools that can be used as evaluation material for planning and formulating regional development policies, especially in the economic field. The development of quality indicators and analytical tools requires input data that is accurate, current, representative and complete. Currently, quarterly GRDP data is also needed to be available down to the district/city level. Regency/city quarterly GRDP is needed as a more directed regional policy planning.

The activity of compiling the District/City Quarterly GRDP requires data on the structure of business/company income and expenses, trade and transport margin ratios, the large quantity of production inputs produced by a business/company, as well as phenomena related to the current conditions of a production process produced by a business/company. In calculating Regency/Municipal Quarterly GRDP, not all of the required data is provided by the subject matter. Therefore, it is necessary to take steps to overcome this lack of data through In-depth Study activities. The preparation of Regency/Municipal Quarterly GRDP according to business sector is an activity carried out by the production balance sub-function.

In addition to the preparation of the District/City Quarterly GRDP, there are special survey activities in the Production Account sub-function, namely SINASI (Integrated Balance Sheet Survey) which consists of the Annual Production Balance Special Survey (SKNP) and the Annual Service Sector Special Survey (SKSJ) which are one of the instruments to obtain supporting data for the preparation of GRDP. SINASI was held in 15 regencies/cities whose field implementation began on May 1, 2023. In the context of the smooth implementation of the survey activities, field supervision activities were carried out from the Provincial BPS to the Regency/City BPS. an in-depth study conducted at the Coal Briquette Factory of PT. Bukit Asam in Tanjung Enim. (NWAS)

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