August 18, 2023 | Other Activities
Hi #SahabatData
On Friday (18/8) BPS South Sumatra Province collaborated with BPS Palembang City to hold a competition in the context of the 78th Indonesian Independence Day. The competition was opened with morning exercises with all employees wearing red and white costumes. Then it was continued with a cracker eating contest, scabbard relay, and putting a pencil into a bottle. Also present at the event were Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information, Imam Machdi, Head of BPS for South Sumatra Province, Moh Wahyu Yulianto, Head of BPS for Palembang City, Yudhistira Arya Noegraha, and DWP for BPS for South Sumatra Province and BPS for Palembang City.
In the afternoon, a fashion show competition similar to a national hero was held which was attended by 9 participants representing each function at the BPS for South Sumatra Province, BPS for Palembang City and DWP. The participants were challenged to show their creativity and talent in portraying national heroes in front of the judges. The event was closed by distributing prizes to the winners of the competition, choosing the best costume and taking a group photo.
The competition took place lively and is expected to increase friendship and solidarity among all BPS employees.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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