Thursday 17/3, Head of the Central Statistics Agency, Dr. Margo Yuwono accompanied by Deputy for Production Statistics M. Habibullah inaugurated the new office building of BPS Ogan Ilir Regency. The building which is located on Jl. The Palembang-Prabumulih East Cross, Timbangan Village, North Indralaya District looks magnificent and quite strategic because it can be easily reached.
The inauguration ceremony took place wisely and was quite lively because it was attended by the Governor of South Sumatra H. Herman Deru and Deputy Regent Ogan Ilir H. Ardani and all staff. Also present at the inauguration were the ranks of FORKOPIMDA of Ogan Ilir Regency, the leadership of OPD and vertical agencies within the South Sumatran government, religious leaders, community leaders and of course the ranks of Regency/City BPS in South Sumatra.
In his remarks, the Head of BPS South Sumatra Zulkipli in particular expressed his gratitude to the Head of the Central Statistics Agency, the Governor and Deputy Regent of Ogan Ilir for all their attention and willingness to inaugurate the new building of BPS Ogan Ilir. Meanwhile, the Governor reiterated the importance of the role of BPS in regional development, particularly in efforts to improve community welfare. "The role of BPS is very important in providing evaluations in every development process. My presence is because we are one unit in our goal of realizing prosperity," he said.
The head of BPS, Margo, appreciates the extraordinary attention from the regional government for the existence of BPS in various development efforts. Margo also expressed appreciation for the governor's support for various BPS programs, especially the governor's seriousness in realizing the Beautiful Village program in all villages/kelurahan in South Sumatra.
At the peak of the event, Margo, accompanied by the Governor of South Sumatra, Deputy Regent Ogan Ilir and Deputy for Production Statistics, signed the inscription and cut the ribbon. Congratulations to all BPS personnel of Ogan Ilir Regency. Hopefully with the new building, a new spirit will be born.